Monday, June 22, 2009
Back to the grindstone
I was off work last week looking after my kiddos. Their daycare was closed for vacation. The first day was a little rocky with me learning their schedule but the rest of the week went fine. We went to the park, mall, playground, played games, splashed around in a small blow-up pool and had a great time. Theresa and I played some boardgames - Monopoly and Life. I had to help her but she had lots of fun. Little Harvey loved it when we wrestled. He's wobbling all around the house like a little robot. He's started walking away from the walls and furniture to where he's out of their reach. It's so cute. I think he's a little proud of himself. I'm proud of him too. It was really hard dropping them off this morning. I was sad and Harvey had some separation anxiety. Theresa was fine though. This has been the longest day ever. Almost time to go home! I can't wait!
Friday, June 12, 2009
Guess who's starting to walk?
Little Harvey took his first steps yesterday. He walked 4 steps at daycare and a few more at home. Before we know it he will probably be running after Theresa. I can't believe it he's starting to walk. Oh my baby's already 1 and starting to walk. Where does the time go?
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Shopping plans
As some of you may know I don't like to shop for myself. I don't like the trying on of many articles of clothing just to find that they don't fit right. I don't like the undressing and redressing only to undress and dress again. I usually end up frustrated. But the time has come....I'm to the point where all my work pants are too big for me. I'm incrementally tightening my belt to remedy this, but I have finally decided that I'm wearing clown-sized pants. I have made up my mind to go shopping alone this Saturday. My husband's going to watch the kids. If you have kids you know how it is to shop with them even without trying on clothes. Beside pants, I'm going to look for blouses, skirts, and even bras. Ah...the dreaded bra shopping. I can never find the right size. If I find a size, it's not the most flattering bra.....oh the joys of being a woman. If I could get away with sports bras all the time, I'd be set. Wish me shopping luck!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Getting into the Summer swing of things
I'm starting to get into the swing of thing for the summer. I think I mentioned my husband has a different schedule for the summer, 4, 10hr days with one day off. On the 10hr days I take and pick up the kids from daycare and get dinner. This is a change from the school time routine - dad takes Theresa to school, I take Harvey from daycare, dad picks up Theresa, I pick up Harvey and dad starts dinner. I'm off next week since our daycare is closed. In between all the appts we have next week, I'm trying to plan the week with fun/relaxing activities for the kiddos. I've got some crafts for Theresa, we have a sprinkler for the backyard and swings on the swingset. Little Harvey got a swing for his birthday from his aunt and uncle. He loves it. I'll have to post pics sometime.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Winding down
The day is finally winding down. I've had a busy week - mainly desk bound though. I always get a little antsy when I have to sit a desk for a while. I did get to do a scrapbook page last night. It turned out really well. My husband is on a 4, 10 hr day schedule now that school's out. I was never really crazy about it since it leave me to take/pick up the kids from daycare and make dinner every night. I got lazy and used to him already starting or having dinner finished when I got home with Little Harvey. Hubby used to pick up Theresa from school. I'll adjust. Off for more lab adventures.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Addicted to tickers
I think I'm addicted to tickers. You know those little boxes you create that count down to something or tell you how long it's been since an event? Well, I can't seem to get enough lately. I think it's my creative side sneaking in. It's been way too long since I put a scrapbook page together. Maybe I'll try to get some time in tonight to create a page. I need to download photos and then screen and edit them. Then the fun starts...paper selection, layout, accessories, stickers, markers.........oh what fun!
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