Thursday, November 19, 2009
Sammy gets picked up tomorrow
Looks like Sammy will be getting picked up tomorrow at noon. One lady who works for the rescue society is sending her husband to get him. I'll be sad to see him go since I feel sorry for him, but I know in my heart it's the right thing for him. I know he will be just fine.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Sending Sammy to a Rescue Society
We have been having problems with Sammy lately. His play is getting more and more aggressive and since we don't know if his background, we are afraid he could turn on the kids so we are surrendering him to a Brittany rescue. They are supposed to pick him up this weekend. I still have to talk to them to set up a place and time. It was a hard decision, but Theresa decided it was best. We talked and we came up with that we couldn't give Sammy the love he needed to thrive and she said he should be with a family that could. It will be a hard day for all of us.
Monday, October 19, 2009
feeling better
I'm feeling better today. I had the kids to myself last week with hubby gone on a training trip for work and so I was feeling a little down by Friday. Good rest and family time over the weekend seemed to help settle things. Have a good day everyone.
Friday, October 16, 2009
I've been feeling nauseous all day today. I've got this drainage (lovely I know) that is upsetting my stomach. I wish there were something I could do to get rid of it. I'm not sure, but maybe this symptom is a foreshadowing of things to come????? Makes me nervous just thinking about it so I'm not even going to type it here. I had better get back to work. I've been really distracted lately too.
Friday, October 9, 2009
lost car keys anyone?
I had a fun experience this morning. My husband had already left to take Theresa to school and I was finishing up gathering things and getting ready to leave to take little Harvey to daycare when I couldn't find my keys. I looked all around the living room and kitchen since little Harvey likes keys very much and loves to play with mine and dads. Nevermind that he has his own set of old keys he likes ours better. It was my mistake to let him play with mine the night before but I thought he'd drop them on the floor like he always does. Wrong. After several frantic minutes, I thought to check the rain. At first glance I didn't see them. It wasnt' until after I got out in the muddy, rain soaked backyard did I see them at the foot of the ladder to the slide. I was so happy that I finally found them and all I could do was shake my head and smile. That is how my day started...hopefully, it will be fine the rest of the day.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
New addition
We picked up another dog on Saturday. KC, who we adopted 1 month ago from the humane society in fort worth, needed a companion other than us. A friend of my husband's at work had some friends who found this stray Brittany wondering around a country road near Terrell. We decided to have a look at him. He's a sweet, mild tempered dog but he's been a bit of trouble. We took him to the vet, got him his shots, had his paw looked at (it was bleeding a little) and brough him home. He's also rail thin. He had probably stepped on a thorn or something while on his own and he's taking antibiotics and pain pills for it and he has to wear one of those Elizabethan collars. He looks pathetic. Over the last two days he has gotten more energy. This morning his paw was bleeding a little. He most likely stepped on something in the backyard when they went out to pee this morning. The kids really like him. I'm partial to my girl KC though. Sammy (Theresa named him) is fine, but I guess I have a sweet spot for my girl. We're giving the dog a week to see how he works out, but something tells me that we have another mouth to feed. Our house is getting quite full.....of love.
Friday, September 18, 2009
one of those weeks?
Ever have one of those weeks where you just can't seem to get your head in the game? Well I'm having one. I have not been able to focus all week. There's nothing in particular on my mind. I wish I could take a vacation. I only have a few days remaining of my PTO so that's not an option. Maybe that's why I'm in a pickle. I had to take 1/2 day on Monday because my daughter was sick which used a portion of my few remaining days. That is how I mainly use my time...on sick leave for either the kids or me. I really don't like the allergy seasons. They wreck havoc on me and the kids which leads to colds and time missed from school and work. I had better get some work done. Gotta bring in that paycheck.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Today's my birthday
Well, I turn 36 today. What a strange number. When I was younger, I thought "oh wow...36 is old", but now as I turn 36, I feel like "another year has gone by and by golly I still feel young". Perspective is a funny thing. No special plans tonight. I plan on just putting my feet up and doing nothing...we'll see how THAT goes! ha ha ha A Mom's work is never done, right? I had better get to work.....I'm not getting paid to sit here and blog....good day everyone.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Back to the grindstone
I was off work last week looking after my kiddos. Their daycare was closed for vacation. The first day was a little rocky with me learning their schedule but the rest of the week went fine. We went to the park, mall, playground, played games, splashed around in a small blow-up pool and had a great time. Theresa and I played some boardgames - Monopoly and Life. I had to help her but she had lots of fun. Little Harvey loved it when we wrestled. He's wobbling all around the house like a little robot. He's started walking away from the walls and furniture to where he's out of their reach. It's so cute. I think he's a little proud of himself. I'm proud of him too. It was really hard dropping them off this morning. I was sad and Harvey had some separation anxiety. Theresa was fine though. This has been the longest day ever. Almost time to go home! I can't wait!
Friday, June 12, 2009
Guess who's starting to walk?
Little Harvey took his first steps yesterday. He walked 4 steps at daycare and a few more at home. Before we know it he will probably be running after Theresa. I can't believe it he's starting to walk. Oh my baby's already 1 and starting to walk. Where does the time go?
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Shopping plans
As some of you may know I don't like to shop for myself. I don't like the trying on of many articles of clothing just to find that they don't fit right. I don't like the undressing and redressing only to undress and dress again. I usually end up frustrated. But the time has come....I'm to the point where all my work pants are too big for me. I'm incrementally tightening my belt to remedy this, but I have finally decided that I'm wearing clown-sized pants. I have made up my mind to go shopping alone this Saturday. My husband's going to watch the kids. If you have kids you know how it is to shop with them even without trying on clothes. Beside pants, I'm going to look for blouses, skirts, and even bras. Ah...the dreaded bra shopping. I can never find the right size. If I find a size, it's not the most flattering bra.....oh the joys of being a woman. If I could get away with sports bras all the time, I'd be set. Wish me shopping luck!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Getting into the Summer swing of things
I'm starting to get into the swing of thing for the summer. I think I mentioned my husband has a different schedule for the summer, 4, 10hr days with one day off. On the 10hr days I take and pick up the kids from daycare and get dinner. This is a change from the school time routine - dad takes Theresa to school, I take Harvey from daycare, dad picks up Theresa, I pick up Harvey and dad starts dinner. I'm off next week since our daycare is closed. In between all the appts we have next week, I'm trying to plan the week with fun/relaxing activities for the kiddos. I've got some crafts for Theresa, we have a sprinkler for the backyard and swings on the swingset. Little Harvey got a swing for his birthday from his aunt and uncle. He loves it. I'll have to post pics sometime.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Winding down
The day is finally winding down. I've had a busy week - mainly desk bound though. I always get a little antsy when I have to sit a desk for a while. I did get to do a scrapbook page last night. It turned out really well. My husband is on a 4, 10 hr day schedule now that school's out. I was never really crazy about it since it leave me to take/pick up the kids from daycare and make dinner every night. I got lazy and used to him already starting or having dinner finished when I got home with Little Harvey. Hubby used to pick up Theresa from school. I'll adjust. Off for more lab adventures.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Addicted to tickers
I think I'm addicted to tickers. You know those little boxes you create that count down to something or tell you how long it's been since an event? Well, I can't seem to get enough lately. I think it's my creative side sneaking in. It's been way too long since I put a scrapbook page together. Maybe I'll try to get some time in tonight to create a page. I need to download photos and then screen and edit them. Then the fun starts...paper selection, layout, accessories, stickers, markers.........oh what fun!
Friday, May 29, 2009
too much technology
I don't know why I sign up for all these online things like Myspace, Facebook, blogger, and a website because I can rarely keep up with them. I would love to post pics and update regularly, but by the time I get home and all the craziness starts, I rarely turn on my computer to do anything. It's get the kids fed and watered, cleaned, have some playtime, read and it's off to bed. We go not too long after they do. Maybe I need to simplify somehow. Just a thought.
Trying out the templates
Hi. I've been playing with the templates to find the right look for my blog. I think I've hit on a pretty good one. I was trying to incorporate neutral colors. This one has that and a little punch. If you like it, let me know.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
The Daily Grind
Sometimes I really hate the 8-5, M-F. Lately, I've been living for the weekends. My work has gotten so busy since my company decided to lay my supervisor off on Feb. 11. He's not going to be replaced since the company decided his position wasn't a necessary one. This leaves me, not quite 2 yrs at this company, me to do my work along with his work. I also get to be the one to clean up after him - old files, magazines, broken equipment he liked to keep for parts, etc.. It's ridiculous. Also, I didn't mention I'm in R&D and get all forms of samples under sun submitted for analysis. This is quite stressfull. I basically get to work at 8, have 30min for lunch, and work until 5. I try to keep to this. 1/2 hr for lunch means I work 8.5hrs a day. I guess overall it's only 2.5hrs extra per week, but no overtime, just time away from my family and more stress. I feel a little better.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Our dog's passing
I forgot to mention that our dog, Jackie, died last month. She had a type of leukemia that comes on very suddenly (within 1-2 weeks). She couldn't keep her food down and when she got to the point of not being able to drink, we had to decide to put her to sleep. That is on my top 10 list of the hardest things I have ever had to do. I'm not going to put my list here because it is a doozie. Some of you know about my history with pregnancies. That is all I'll say. I know that at least Jackie didn't have to suffer any more. Her doggie angel day is Jan. 11 which is the same angel day as our son, Francis. Coincidence?
officially behind...
Ok. I'm officially behind now. It's been 2 months since I've updated. With all the holiday bustle and winter allergies and colds, there doesn't seem to be enough time. Lets see..... Theresa's lost her 2 top teeth. She looks so cute. Little Harvey's new trick is to scoot around on his belly. That little guy is FAST. One minute he's on the left side of the room and the next it's the right. I can't say how many times he's gotten hold of paper and we had to get it out of his mouth! My husband is doing great. He still likes his job. I still have my job. My supervisor got let go last week as part of a downsizing/retirement/layoff. Whatever you call it, he's gone which leave lots for me to tie up. I'm happy to still have my job and have support to get by so it's not too bad. I shouldn't complain, but I'm only human. I'll eventually get around to more photo posts, but that will have to wait until later.
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